Next meeting is scheduled for:
May 15th, 2024

About Community Advisory Committee

Each SELPA in California is required by Education Code 56190 to have a Community Advisory Committee. The committee shall serve in an advisory capacity.

The members of the community advisory committee shall be appointed by, and responsible to, the governing board of each participating district or county office, or any combination thereof participating in the local plan. Appointment shall be in accordance with a locally determined selection procedure that is described in the local plan. Such procedure shall provide that terms of appointment are for at least two years and are annually staggered to ensure that no more than one half of the membership serves the first year of the term in any one year.

The community advisory committee shall be composed of parents of individuals with exceptional needs enrolled in public, or private schools, as well as charter schools, parents of other pupils enrolled in school, pupils and adults with disabilities, regular education teachers, special education teachers and other school personnel, representatives of other public and private agencies, and persons concerned with the needs of individuals with exceptional needs.

At least the majority of such committee shall be composed of parents of pupils enrolled in schools participating in the local plan, and at least a majority of such parents shall be parents of individuals with exceptional needs.

The community advisory committee shall have the authority to fulfill the responsibilities that are defined for it in the local plan. The responsibilities shall include, but need not be limited to, all the following:

  1. Advising the policy and administrative entity of the district, special education local plan area, or county office, regarding the development, amendment, and review of the local plan. The entity shall review and consider comments from the community advisory committee.
  2. Recommending annual priorities to be addressed by the plan.
  3. Assisting in parent education and in recruiting parents and other volunteers who may contribute to the implementation of the plan.
  4. Encouraging community involvement in the development and review of the local plan.
  5. Supporting activities on behalf of individuals with exceptional needs.
  6. Assisting in parent awareness of the importance of regular school attendance.

CAC’s in California provide a wide range of positive parent to parent support systems including conferences, support groups, newsletter and publications, and training opportunities in addition to their advisory capacity.







Approved By-Laws | November 10, 2021

A hard copy in English, Spanish, or Hmong is available upon request by emailing 

Una copia impresa en inglés, español o hmong está disponible a pedido enviando un correo electrónico 

Luam ib pob ntawv nyob ua lus Askiv, Spanish, los yog Hmoob yog muaj txawm peem nyob raws li thov nrog emailing


1.1The name of the organization shall be the Fresno Unified School District (FUSD) Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education.  
1.2The FUSD Special Education local Plan Area (SELPA) Community Advisory Committee is established in accordance with Ed. Code 56190.  


2.1Mission   The purpose of the Fresno Unified School District Community Advisory Committee for Special Education is to participate in a partnership with the District that embraces and ensures the education and inclusion of each child with special needs, while maintaining high standards and expectations. Our goals are:   To raise school district and community awareness regarding the needs of students and their families in the FUSD special education programs. To actively review the Special Education Local Plan for special education and make recommendations.   To provide a forum, which facilitates parent communication with other parents and with the school district.  To provide information, education, and resources for families, the District, the community and the FUSD Board of Education.  
2.3Mandate   The CAC in accordance with Fresno Unified School District’s policy prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, ancestry, age, creed, religion, political affiliation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, mental or physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy or parental status, medical information, military veteran status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment.   
2.4    Responsibilities-Mandated   In accordance with Education Code 56194, mandated responsibilities of the CAC include:  
2.4.1   Advising the policy and administrative entities of the SELPA regarding the development and review of the Local Plan and board policies, which pertain to Special Education.  
2.4.2   Recommending annual priorities to be addressed by the Local Plan.  
2.4.3   Assisting in the parent education and in recruiting parents and other volunteers who may contribute to the implementation of the Local Plan.               
2.4.4   Encouraging community involvement in the development and review of the Local Plan.  
2.4.5    Supporting activities on behalf of individuals with disabilities.  
2.4.6    Assisting in increasing parent awareness of the importance of regular school attendance.  
2.4.7    The CAC shall also provide information and education to the community regarding the District’s special education policies, programs/services, and operations.  


3.1In accordance with Education Code section 56192, the CAC shall be composed of volunteer members of the community. Composition shall be parents or guardians of individuals who receive special education services enrolled in public, charter, alternative or private schools, parents of other pupils enrolled in school, pupils and adults with disabilities, regular education teachers, special education teachers, other school personnel, representative of other public and private agencies and persons concerned with the needs of individuals who receive special education services.  
3.2In accordance with Education code section 56193, at least the majority of the CAC shall be composed of parents/guardians of pupils enrolled in school participating in the Local Plan and at least a majority of such parents shall be parents/guardians of individuals who receive special education services.  
3.3To the greatest extent as possible, the CAC composition of the registered membership shall reflect the ethnic, socio-economic, regional background and age groups of the pupils, and the varying types of identified disabilities. 
3.4The Executive Committee will work to ensure that the composition of the registered voting membership reflects the diversity of the FUSD community.  All Participants who wish to become an appointed voting member must submit a membership application through the CAC website for review by the SELPA Executive Director.  The Executive Director will return the applications to the CAC membership for appointment.   
3.5The Executive Director-Special Education, the Instructional Superintendent-Special Education or designee will participate in the CAC as a non-voting member.  


4.1Officers   The officers of the CAC shall be the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Community Liaison and Parliamentarian.  
4.2Elections and Terms of Office  
4.2.1    The Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Community Liaison, and Parliamentarian shall be elected bi-annually by the CAC membership.  
4.2.2    Elected officers shall be elected bi-annually by the CAC at the May general meeting.  
4.2.3    The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be a parent or legal  guardian of a child with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) from the Fresno Unified School District at the time of election and through their term of service.  
4.2.4    Nominations for elected Officers shall be made: By the voting registered members in April every other year. With nominations held in April. And elections held in May. Nominees shall be present during nominations and elections.  
4.2.5    A meeting held for the purpose of electing officers, only those registered CAC members who are actually present at the meeting shall be entitled to vote. A simple majority of those registered members present will constitute a quorum.     
4.2.6    If three or more candidates run for an office, the candidate receiving the most votes shall win the election, regardless of whether or not he or she obtains a majority of the votes. In the event there is a tie in the voting between two candidates receiving the most votes for the same office, then voting continues until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast. 
4.2.7    Elections for Officers shall be held by paper ballot or by secure means. Votes shall be counted by the Secretary and verified by one registered parent voting member and one District Administrator. 
4.2.8    The term of office for the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Community Liaison and Parliamentarian shall be two (2) years, beginning June 1 of the current election year and ending May 31st of the next election year.
4.2.9    In Leadership positions, an Officer may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same Executive Committee position.  
4.2.10  Vacancies:  The Vice Chairperson will assume the responsibilities of the Chairperson in the event that the Chairperson must vacate office or is absent at any point during the meetings. The Executive Committee shall fill other Officer vacancies by appointment from the CAC registered membership, such that a majority of the Executive committee, including the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson shall be a parent or legal guardian of a child with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) from the Fresno Unified School District at the time of election and through their term of service.                       
4.2.11 Removal from Office:  Any Officers of the CAC shall be required to step down from their elected office following a 2/3 or 66.7% vote of “no confidence” from the registered members present.  In conjunction with By-Law 5.5, the Notification of the Removal from office shall be on the placed on the Agenda a month prior to the CAC registered membership voting on such action.   
4.3Duties of the Executive Committee   Duties of each Office shall include consistent attendance and participation at monthly meetings, any other meetings that are deemed necessary by the executive committee, and the following:   4.3.1    Chairperson Finalize the meeting agendas and annual calendar with the collaboration and approval of the CAC Executive Committee and FUSD Executive Director-Special Education.Encourage educational opportunities for students and families. Call and preside over all general meetings.Announce the business to come before the CAC in its proper order. With CAC member approval, agenda items may be rearranged during the meeting to accommodate the public.Enforce the CAC policies related to the order of business and the conduct of meetings.With the advice of the Parliamentarian, rule on parliamentary procedure, and explain the effect of a motion if it is not clear to every member.Be responsible for the implementation of all CAC decisions.Serve as CAC spokesperson to the District, Special Education Department, Governing Board and District Communications Office.Establish committees and appoint committee chairpersons as needed.Participate in compliance reviews.Be an ex-officio member of each subcommittee.   4.3.2    Vice Chairperson Perform the duties of the Chairperson in his/her absence or at the Chair’s request.Assist the Chairperson as requested or as appropriate in carrying out responsibilities.With assistance from the District, the Vice-Chairperson will strive to recruit members that reflect the diversity of the FUSD community. In collaboration with the Community Liaison, assist in recruiting new members, encouraging participation, and retention of registered members.   4.3.3    Secretary Coordinate with the Executive Director- Special Education and Executive Committee on distribution of meeting minutes.Take roll at the start of each monthly meeting.Shall record attendance and actions taken by CAC for the permanent record in the meeting minutes.Distribute the meeting minutes, record attendance reports, and membership list to the Executive Director- Special Education/SELPA and Executive Committee as soon possible.  Coordinate with the Special Education Department the implementation of Article VIII: District Support/Record Keeping.Perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.Sign the minutes of the CAC meetings following their approval.   4.3.4    Community Liaison Coordinate and communicate CAC approved information to the district communications office and to the community.Strive to coordinate with the District and other local agencies in order to encourage and promote the involvement and participation of parents who utilize a primary language other than English and who represent the District’s diverse and cultural population.Oversee the development and review of media and public relation materials as they pertain to CAC.In collaboration with the Vice-Chairperson, assist in recruiting new members, encouraging participation, and retention of registered members.   4.3.5    Parliamentarian Oversee CAC Bylaws conformance.Assist the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson in maintaining order, resolving questions related to parliamentary procedure, and making motions.With assistance from the District, the Parliamentarian will strive to recruit members that reflect the diversity of the FUSD community.  Annually Oversee a By Laws Subcommittee to review the By Laws and propose any possible revisions to the CAC By Laws.


5.1CAC Regular Meetings   The CAC will meet at least 10 times per year. All such meetings shall be open to the public.            
5.2Annual Calendar of Regular Meetings   The CAC Leadership will establish an annual calendar for all regularly scheduled meetings in July with the collaboration of the CAC. The meeting schedule shall include the date, time, and location for each regular meeting.  
5.3Regular Meeting Agenda Preparation   The CAC Leadership prepares every agenda for a regular meeting of the CAC with the collaboration of the CAC.  
5.4Agenda and Posting Requirements   Every agenda, and Translated Agenda, for a CAC regular meeting shall include the date, time and location of the meeting and shall contain a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting, a statement of translation services, a compliance statement with the Americans with Disabilities Act and arrangements for accessibility, and include a section designated as an opportunity for the community to share interests, priorities and concerns about special education.   5.4.1    At least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting, the agenda will be posted at             the Special Education Office, the Education Center, the Special                Education website, and at school sites in clear view of the public. 5.4.2    All case managers will receive an email to distribute to their families and             interested parties they serve.  
5.5Future Agenda Items   At every CAC regular meeting agenda there will be a link to the CAC email address to recommend “Future Agenda Items.” Any CAC member may recommend that an item of business be included on the next meeting’s agenda. Web Link: CAC Agenda | Fresno Unified Special Education   5.5.1    Any CAC member requesting an item be placed on a future agenda shall             be responsible for providing background information related to the item             with the fiscal and logistical support of the District. 5.5.2    The Executive committee will review recommendations for the scope and             appropriateness to the CAC mission and purpose.
5.6Special meetings and posting requirements   Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by a majority vote of the CAC and shall be open to the public.   5.6.1    All CAC registered members will be given notice of special meetings no later than 24 hours prior to the time the meeting is scheduled to commence [Government Code Section 54956]. In addition, the notice shall be posted 24 hours prior to the meeting at the Special Education Office, Education Center, School Sites, the Special Education website, and the location of the Special Meeting in clear view of the public. The agenda shall specify the time and place of the meeting and a description of the business to be transacted or discussed; no other business shall be considered at these meetings.   5.6.2    Every notice of a special meeting shall provide an opportunity for             members of the public to directly address the CAC concerning any item             that has been described in the meeting notice.  
5.7Number of Registered Voting Members   The CAC shall seek as many members as possible in order to effectively represent the spectrum of needs and concerns of our individuals who receive special education services community.   
5.8Definitions   Participant is defined as an individual who attends the CAC meetings.  They will not participate in the voting process.Registered member is someone who has submitted a membership application, been approved by CAC registered members and has the authority to vote. Registered members must maintain good attendance and participation as outline in Article 7.  
5.9Quorums   A quorum shall be established when at least nine (9) appointed members of the CAC are present and a minimum of five (5) such members are parents of individuals who receive special education services.   
5.10Majority   A simple majority in the quorum shall be required to pass motions.  Abstentions shall not be counted in determining a majority vote.   To be official, an action must be approved at regularly scheduled meetings of the CAC by a majority of the number of registered members present.  
5.11Meeting records   5.11.1  Draft minutes of every CAC meeting shall be prepared by the Secretary             and be available for review to all registered members of the CAC and             participants.  Approved CAC minutes shall be made available upon request and posted on the Special Education Website.   5.11.2  Only documents and reports that have been approved by the CAC for             distribution shall be transmitted to CAC registered members.  
5.12Expected Etiquette/Public Comment   5.12.1  Recognize and respect differences of perspective and style of the CAC             among members, staff, students, parents/guardians and the community.             Act with dignity and understand the implications of demeanor and             behavior. Registered CAC members and participants also assume collective responsibility for building unity and creating a positive organizational culture.   5.12.2  A person wishing to be heard by the CAC shall first be recognized by the             Chairperson and shall then proceed to comment as briefly as the subject             permits. Individual speakers will be allowed 3 minutes to address or             comment to the CAC.  The CAC shall limit the total time for open forum input to 20 minutes. With the approval of a simple majority of the registered members present, the Chairperson may modify the time allowed for speakers, depending on the topic and the number of persons wishing to be heard.  


6.1Executive Committee   The CAC’s Executive Committee shall be comprised solely of the CAC chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Community Liaison, and Parliamentarian.   NOTE: A majority of the members of the Executive Committee, including the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, shall be parents or legal guardians of a child with a disability.  As stated in Section 4.2.4, the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson shall be a parent or legal guardian of a child with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) from the Fresno Unified School District at the time of election and through their term of service.   The Executive Committee serves as an advisory body of the CAC whose authority is expressly limited to formulating recommendations, as the need arises, for presentation to the CAC. An Executive Committee decision or action shall have no force or effect in the absence of the formal approval of the CAC.   The Chairperson shall call for Executive Committee meetings as needed and if necessary, establish a published meeting schedule.  
6.2Subcommittees   The CAC shall establish committees and subcommittees.  All such committees and subcommittees shall be comprised of CAC registered members and none of the committees and subcommittees shall exercise the authority of the CAC, nor have the power to take any action other than to advise and/or make recommendations to the CAC.   With the exception of the Executive Committee, the chairperson of each committee and subcommittee shall be a member of the CAC. Each committee and subcommittee shall recruit its own members from among CAC members.  


7.1Registered committee members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled CAC meetings.  
7.2If a registered committee member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting, it is the member’s responsibility to notify the Chairperson and/or the Secretary in advance of the meeting.  
7.3When a registered member anticipates that he/she will be absent, the member may send a representative in his/her place. The replacement shall not have voting privileges but may otherwise participate in the meeting.  
7.4Registered CAC members who miss more than five (5) regular CAC meetings per year or three (3) consecutive regular meetings will be notified in writing by the Chairperson of their removal from the CAC roster. Excused absences will not count as grounds for dismissal; however, a prolonged inability to participate in the CAC may result in a request that the member resign or request a leave of absence.   The CAC is committed to having parents involved as much as possible and providing their input at the CAC meetings.  The purpose of this section is to promote communication between CAC members and the Chairperson on the reasons a member has missed a few meetings.  In many cases, life situations occur such as children getting ill, vehicle breakdown, work prevents attendance, etc.    
7.5With the approval of CAC Executive Committee, a leave of absence may be granted to a registered member who has demonstrated a commitment to serve on the CAC by having a history of consistent attendance.  


8.1Maintain a system of long-term record keeping materials related to the CAC (sign-in sheets, participant and member contact information, By-Laws, summary reports, minutes, official actions of the CAC, brochures, and all other documents that the CAC may generate).  
8.2Maintain information binders that include all materials mentioned in 8.1 and made available when needed.  
8.3Parent Packet to be distributed to parents annually.  It will include at minimum including a letter from the CAC, agenda calendar, and other relevant information. 
8.4Provide leadership training to CAC Executive Committee in the months of June and July.  
8.5Inform the CAC Executive Committee when SPED presents information to FUSD Board of Education so the registered membership can be encouraged to attend.   
8.6Provide educational opportunities/trainings for CAC registered members to improve awareness and understanding of the needs of students with special education and the changes occurring in education impact these students.  
8.6As parent and student information is confidential, the District will maintain the communication database (email, mail, auto-calls, etc.) used to communicate with 1) district-wide parents of students with special needs and 2) all members of the CAC.  


9.1These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a majority of the registered voting members present. A copy of the proposed written amendments shall be provided to all CAC registered members at a regular meeting prior to the regular meeting at which the vote is taken.  
9.2These CAC By-Laws shall become effective immediately upon their adoption by a majority vote of voting registered members present.  

Approved Date: 2/18/2021

Revised Date: 11/9/21


Education Code


  ( Title 2 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )


  ( Division 4 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )


  ( Part 30 repealed and added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 797, Sec. 9. )

CHAPTER 2. Administration [56100 – 56194]

  ( Chapter 2 added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 797, Sec. 9. )

ARTICLE 7. Community Advisory Committee [56190 – 56194]

  ( Article 7 added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 797, Sec. 9. )


Each plan submitted under Section 56195.1 shall establish a community advisory committee. The committee shall serve only in an advisory capacity.

(Amended by Stats. 1997, Ch. 854, Sec. 11. Effective January 1, 1998.)


The members of the community advisory committee shall be appointed by, and responsible to, the governing board of each participating district or county office, or any combination thereof participating in the local plan. Appointment shall be in accordance with a locally determined selection procedure that is described in the local plan. Where appropriate, this procedure shall provide for selection of representatives of groups specified in Section 56192 by their peers. Such procedure shall provide that terms of appointment are for at least two years and are annually staggered to ensure that no more than one half of the membership serves the first year of the term in any one year.

(Amended by Stats. 1981, Ch. 972, Sec. 2.)


The community advisory committee shall be composed of parents of individuals with exceptional needs enrolled in public or private schools, parents of other pupils enrolled in school, pupils and adults with disabilities, regular education teachers, special education teachers and other school personnel, representatives of other public and private agencies, and persons concerned with the needs of individuals with exceptional needs.

(Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 759, Sec. 29. Effective September 21, 1992.)


At least the majority of such committee shall be composed of parents of pupils enrolled in schools participating in the local plan, and at least a majority of such parents shall be parents of individuals with exceptional needs.

(Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 797, Sec. 9. Effective July 28, 1980.)


The community advisory committee shall have the authority and fulfill the responsibilities that are defined for it in the local plan. The responsibilities shall include, but need not be limited to, all the following:

(a) Advising the policy and administrative entity of the special education local plan area regarding the development, amendment, and review of the local plan. The entity shall review and consider comments from the community advisory committee.

(b) Recommending annual priorities to be addressed by the plan.

(c) Assisting in parent education and in recruiting parents and other volunteers who may contribute to the implementation of the plan.

(d) Encouraging community involvement in the development and review of the local plan.

(e) Supporting activities on behalf of individuals with exceptional needs.

(f) Assisting in parent awareness of the importance of regular school attendance.

(g) Supporting community involvement in the parent advisory committee established pursuant to Section 52063 to encourage the inclusion of parents of individuals with exceptional needs to the extent these pupils also fall within one or more of the definitions in Section 42238.01.

(Amended by Stats. 2018, Ch. 32, Sec. 90. (AB 1808) Effective June 27, 2018.)


CAL. GOV’T. CODE §54956.


A special meeting may be called at any time by the presiding officer of the legislative body of a local agency, or by a majority of the members of the legislative body, by delivering written notice to each member of the legislative body and to each local newspaper of general circulation and radio or television station requesting notice in writing. The notice shall be delivered personally or by any other means and shall be received at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting as specified in the notice. The call and notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted or discussed. No other business shall be considered at these meetings by the legislative body. The written notice may be dispensed with as to any member who at or prior to the time the meeting convenes files with the clerk or secretary of the legislative body a written waiver of notice. The waiver may be given by telegram. The written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. The call and notice shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to the special meeting in a location that is freely accessible to members of the public

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