Parts of a Quality Program

  1. Reporting of Issues, Questions and Concerns.
  2. Covered services are medically necessary, as determined and documented through appropriate and objective testing, evaluation and diagnosis.
  3. The IEP/IFSP treatment plan identifies which covered services are to be provided and the service frequency, duration, goals and objectives.
  4. A monitoring program exists to ensure that services are appropriate, effective and delivered in a cost effective manner consistent with the reduction of physical or mental disabilities and assisting the student to benefit from special education.
  5. Staff qualifications meet current license, certification and program requirements.
  6. Established coordination and collaboration exits to develop plans of care with all other providers.
  7. Parent/guardian and beneficiary participation exists outside of the IEP/IFSP team process in evaluating the impact of the program on the educational setting, service quality and outcomes.

Reporting Issues, Questions & Concerns

The ability to get feedback is a vital part of quality control. …..

Covered Services

Covered services are medically necessary as determined and documented through appropriate and objective testing, evaluation and diagnosis. Direct health related services are provided in accordance with each student’s Individualized Education program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) developed by school and medical professionals in the school setting. Evaluations are conducted by the Evaluation Team to determine eligibility for Special Education. The eligibility recommendation is documented in the evaluation report. The IEP meeting is then scheduled to allow the IEP team to review the report along with any other pertinent information and they decide if the child is eligible for special education services, including health related services such as Occupational, Speech, and Physical Therapy, Social Work etc…


The IEP/IFSP treatment plan identifies which covered services are to be provided and the service frequency, duration, goals and objectives. Student IEPs and IFSPs list the covered services, service frequency duration, goals and objectives.

Monitoring Program

A monitoring program exists to ensure that services are appropriate, effective and delivered in a cost effective manner consistent with the reduction of physical or mental disabilities and assisting the beneficiary to benefit from special education.

Staff Qualifications

Staff qualifications meet current license, certification and program requirements

Coordination and Collaboration

Established coordination and collaboration exists to develop plans of care with other providers. Parent/guardian and student participation exists inside and outside of the IEP/IFSP team process. Parent/guardian assist in evaluating the impact of the program on the educational setting, services quality and outcomes.

Annual Review for Compliance

The purpose of the annual record review, on site at the local districts is to the monitor their level of compliance.


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Additional Resources

Communication with Special Education

The most direct management of your students case manager is with their Regional Instructional Manager (RIM). The RIM is assigned a set of schools and oversees all IEP activity within those schools. To contact your Regional Instructional Manager (RIM) go to the Contact Us Page and find the RIM for your school.

The Special Education Department (SPED) has Program Managers that oversee all aspects of the Special Education Department. There are times that you need someone above your students Case Manager and their supervisor. You can find these mangers on the Contact Us Page.

If you are wanting information on document, procedures or enrollment help you can reach out to the Special Education Office staff or your closest Regional Center. You can find contact information on the Special Education Contact Page.

Parent IEP Satisfaction Survey

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